Bayer's Roundup Bites the 2023 - Moms Across America

Bayer's Roundup Bites the 2023

Bayer Ends Sale of Roundup and Glyphosate Herbicidesto Garden and Lawncare Market by 2023.

Click here for Bayer's announcement.

Moms Across America is thrilled to share that something we have long been working for and waiting for has happened.

Bayer has announced that by 2023 they will no longer be selling Roundup and glyphosate-based herbicides at our local retailers for garden and lawncare! This will prevent our neighbors from unknowingly poisoning our community, risking miscarriage in our pregnant family members, giving our dogs cancer, and killing our bees and pollinators. 

This is a huge win for communities all across the country.

Although 2023 is FAR too long, and TODAY would have been far more responsible, this is an enormous step in the right direction. 

This decision was made after Judge Chabbria’s recent decision regarding the proposed 10 billion dollar cap on lawsuit payouts. The Judge decided that the cap would not be fair for people who develop cancer years after using Roundup and Bayer’s glyphosate products. Under Bayer’s proposal, those victims would not be able to get compensation because the cap was already met. So there is no cap to the amount of compensation that Bayer could payout for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cases connected to the use of their glyphosate products. The only way Monsanto could stop the increase of lawsuits is to stop selling the product. So today, that is what they decided to do.

Moms Across America wishes to first and foremost thank the lawyers and plaintiffs that sued Monsanto. We also wish to thank all of the people who shared the news, articles, petitions, and our calls to action about glyphosate over the last 9 years, especially the mothers who had the courage to send in their breastmilk for glyphosate testing. When glyphosate was detected in breastmilk, we have been told, that was the turning point for many scientists, lawyers, government policymakers, and activists to work for a cleaner food supply and remove glyphosate from the food supply and landscaping use. Thank you also to the scientists who had the courage to do independent research and share their findings despite massive amounts of pressure to be silent.

Although this decision does not restrict glyphosate use in the food supply, we believe the farmers and professional landscapers can see the writing on the wall. Lawsuits can and are happening. It is highly risky to use glyphosate herbicides for many reasons. The primary one being consumer rejection due to health risks. 

Additional reasons include detrimental impacts to the soil, pollution of water and nearby crops, weed resistance, and export rejection.

Sustainable Pulse and Detox Project Director, Henry Rowlands, commented on Bayer’s announcement; “It is a great victory in a small battle for the removal of glyphosate from the Lawn & Garden market, however, this is just part of a much larger war. We must all remember that this will not stop glyphosate from being sprayed in parks, schools, and on our food crops in ever greater amounts across the U.S. and the world. It is time to phase the chemical out globally and to replace it with safe alternatives.”

Glyphosate Girl, journalist and mother Kelly Ryerson, who attended every day of the first Monsanto trial had this to say about the decision, "While Bayer’s move to pull Roundup from the residential market is purely to limit future financial liability, the citizens of the United States can take consolation in that soon we will not have to worry about Roundup residues lingering on our sidewalks and patios, wreaking carcinogenic havoc and pollinator apocalypse. " 

See our conversation on Facebook with Kelly Ryerson here.

Bayer has stated that they will ���reformulate” their glyphosate products. A Roundup “glyphosate free” product is already being sold however in the UK with the main ingredient being pelargonic acid*. In addition, Bayer is currently promoting Spectracide, a dicamba-based product, in Lowes and Home Depot alongside Roundup. Dicamba has a high risk of drift and damage to nearby plants. Several lawsuits have already been filed and the plaintiffs are winning. Dicamba is clearly not a viable substitute and is not an advisable alternative. There are safe alternatives available, some of which we will feature on our Toxin-Free Town Page as they become available.

Thank you again for your partnership in creating healthy communities!

Mom Across America will continue providing updates. Sign up for our email alerts here.


Moms Across America has grave concerns about the Roundup "Naturals" alternative active ingredient and advises safe, nontoxic methods instead.
*Pelargonic Acid Hazard Statement:
May be harmful if swallowed or in contact with skin. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Causes serious eye damage. Harmful to aquatic life. Harmful to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. Precautionary Statement: -PREVENTION- Do not breathe mist or vapor. Wash thoroughly after handling.

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  • Susan Myers
    commented 2021-07-29 18:05:53 -0400
    As stated above this is a good small step but there is so much more to do. This is sprayed on many of the foods we eat, on GMO crops and also non GMO crops as a desiccant before a crop is harvested. This spraying can also spread by wind, rain to nearby field of organic crops and small non organic farms and people’s home gardens. It gets into rivers and streams and thereby get into our drinking water as well as our food from the tainted water used on the crops to help them grow.
    I read a quote which said “Success comes from taking a step in the right direction”. This is a step in the right direction but we all need to continue to push forward and takes these steps and contact our representatives to put the peoples interests and their health first.
  • Zen Honeycutt
    published this page in Blog 2021-07-29 17:25:00 -0400

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