Glyphosate linked to Neurological Disorders - Moms Across America

Swanson Charts: Glyphosate and GMOs linked to Neurological Disorders and More

Nancy Swanson has done extensive research that we Moms with little ones just do not take the time to do. 

We are very grateful for her charts which very clearly depict a correlation between GMOs sprayed with Glyphosate and numerous childhood and adult illnesses which plague or families in America.

The endocrine disrupting properties of glyphosate can lead to neurological disorders (learning disabilities (LD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), autismdementiaAlzheimer's,schizophrenia and bipolar disorder). Those most susceptible are children and the elderly.

To see the full article on neurological disorders  The Examiner click here.


In addition, GMOs and Glyphosate have been linked to birth defects and infant deaths:

For Swanson's article on the examiner:

2013 Argentina:
Dr Medardo Vasquez is a neonatal specialist at the Children's Hospital in Cordoba. "I see
new-born infants, many of who are malformed. I have to tell parents that their children are
dying because of these agricultural methods. In some areas in Argentina the primary cause of
death for children less than one year old are malformations." Fritz Kreiss: News Report
Sunday 17 March 2013

I recently looked up just one city in the USA. Sacremento CA.

Out the top five reasons for the death of children 57% of them were conditions (SIDS, congential birth defects, anomalies etc) that we are seeing a correlation to GMOs and Glyphosate.

For the Rosemary Mason "Glyphosate: Destructor of Human Health" paper showing numerous health issue correlations click here.

Childhood deaths is tragic enough. For the living we hope for smooth sailing.

But studies now show that 50%of our children will have Autism in the next 20 years if we continue at the current rate.

High rates of autism could compromise the future success of a child, our families, our society and economy. This is urgent.


Awareness about this correlation and further conclusive studies should be the number one priority of the CDC and AAP today. The FDA and EPA need to do their jobs and protect American health!

Sign our Petition today! Click here

Thank you to the researchers and scientists who are assembling this information. It DOES correlate with what Moms are seeing, which is that when we remove GMOs ( and glyphosate) from their diet and they eat organic food, their health conditions improve.

Zen Honeycutt



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